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Psalmus 67.
Psalm 67.
67:1. Exsúrgat Deus, et dissipéntur inimíci ejus, * et fúgiant qui odérunt eum, a fácie ejus. 1. Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered: * and let them that hate him flee from before his face.
67:2. Sicut déficit fumus, defíciant : * sicut fluit cera a fácie ignis, sic péreant peccatóres a fácie Dei. 2. As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish away: * as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.
67:3. Et justi epuléntur, et exsúltent in conspéctu Dei : * et delecténtur in lætítia. 3. And let the just feast, and rejoice before God: * and be delighted with gladness.
67:4. Cantáte Deo, psalmum dícite nómini ejus : * iter fácite ei, qui ascéndit super occásum : (fit reverentia) Dóminus nomen illi. 4. Sing ye to God, sing a psalm to his name, * make a way for him who ascendeth upon the west: (bow head) the Lord is his name.
67:5. Exsultáte in conspéctu ejus : * turbabúntur a fácie ejus, patris orphanórum et júdicis viduárum. 5. Rejoice ye before him: * but the wicked shall be troubled at his presence, who is the father of orphans, and the judge of widows.
67:6. Deus in loco sancto suo : * Deus, qui inhabitáre facit uníus moris in domo : 6. God in his holy place: * God who maketh men of one manner to dwell in a house:
67:7. Qui edúcit vinctos in fortitúdine, * simíliter eos qui exásperant, qui hábitant in sepúlcris. 7. Who bringeth out them that were bound in strength; * in like manner them that provoke, that dwell in sepulchres.
67:8. Deus, cum egrederéris in conspéctu pópuli tui, * cum pertransíres in desérto : 8. O God, when thou didst go forth in the sight of thy people, * when thou didst pass through the desert:
67:9. Terra mota est, étenim cæli distillavérunt a fácie Dei Sínai, * a fácie Dei Israël. 9. The earth was moved, and the heavens dropped at the presence of the God of Sinai, * at the presence of the God of Israel.
67:10. Plúviam voluntáriam segregábis, Deus, hereditáti tuæ : * et infirmáta est, tu vero perfecísti eam. 10. Thou shalt set aside for thy inheritance a free rain, * O God: and it was weakened, but thou hast made it perfect.
67:11. Animália tua habitábunt in ea : * parásti in dulcédine tua páuperi, Deus. 11. In it shall thy animals dwell; * in thy sweetness, O God, thou hast provided for the poor.
67:12. Dóminus dabit verbum evangelizántibus, * virtúte multa. 12. The Lord shall give the word to them that preach good tidings, * with great power.
67:13. Rex virtútum dilécti dilécti : * et speciéi domus divídere spólia. 13. The king of powers is of the beloved, * of the beloved; and the beauty of the house shall divide spoils.
67:14. Si dormiátis inter médios cleros, pennæ colúmbæ deargentátæ, * et posterióra dorsi ejus in pallóre auri. 14. If you sleep among the midst of lots, you shall be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, * and the hinder parts of her back with the paleness of gold.
67:15. Dum discérnit cæléstis reges super eam, nive dealbabúntur in Selmon : * mons Dei, mons pinguis. 15. When he that is in heaven appointeth kings over her, * they shall be whited with snow in Selmon.
67:16. Mons coagulátus, mons pinguis : * ut quid suspicámini montes coagulátos? 16. The mountain of God is a fat mountain, a curdled mountain, a fat mountain; * Why suspect, ye curdled mountains?
67:17. Mons, in quo beneplácitum est Deo habitáre in eo : * étenim Dóminus habitábit in finem. 17. A mountain in which God is well pleased to dwell: * for there the Lord shall dwell unto the end.
67:18. Currus Dei decem míllibus múltiplex, míllia lætántium : * Dóminus in eis in Sina in sancto. 18. The chariot of God is attended by ten thousands; thousands of them that rejoice: * the Lord is among them in Sinai, in the holy place.
67:19. Ascendísti in altum, cepísti captivitátem : * accepísti dona in homínibus. 19. Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive; * thou hast received gifts in men.
67:20. Étenim non credéntes, * inhabitáre Dóminum Deum. 20. Yea for those also that do not believe, * the dwelling of the Lord God.
67:21. Benedíctus Dóminus die quotídie : * prósperum iter fáciet nobis Deus salutárium nostrórum. 21. Blessed be the Lord day by day: * the God of our salvation will make our journey prosperous to us.
67:22. Deus noster, Deus salvos faciéndi : * et Dómini Dómini éxitus mortis. 22. Our God is the God of salvation: * and of the Lord, of the Lord are the issues from death.
67:23. Verúmtamen Deus confrínget cápita inimicórum suórum : * vérticem capílli perambulántium in delíctis suis. 23. But God shall break the heads of his enemies: * the hairy crown of them that walk on in their sins.
67:24. Dixit Dóminus : Ex Basan convértam, * convértam in profúndum maris : 24. The Lord said: I will turn them from Basan, * I will turn them into the depth of the sea:
67:24. Ut intingátur pes tuus in sánguine : * lingua canum tuórum ex inimícis, ab ipso. 24. That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thy enemies; * the tongue of thy dogs be red with the same.
67:25. Vidérunt ingréssus tuos, Deus : * ingréssus Dei mei : regis mei qui est in sancto. 25. They have seen thy goings, O God, * the goings of my God: of my king who is in his sanctuary.
67:26. Prævenérunt príncipes conjúncti psalléntibus : * in médio juvenculárum tympanistriárum. 26. Princes went before joined with singers, * in the midst of young damsels playing on timbrels.
67:27. In ecclésiis benedícite Deo Dómino, * de fóntibus Israël. 27. In the churches bless ye God the Lord, * from the fountains of Israel.
67:28. Ibi Bénjamin adolescéntulus : * in mentis excéssu. 28. There is Benjamin a youth, * in ecstasy of mind.
67:29. Príncipes Juda, duces eórum : * príncipes Zábulon, príncipes Néphtali. 29. The princes of Juda are their leaders: * the princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nephthali.
67:30. Manda, Deus, virtúti tuæ : * confírma hoc, Deus, quod operátus es in nobis. 30. Command thy strength, O God: * confirm, O God, what thou hast wrought in us.
67:31. A templo tuo in Jerúsalem, * tibi ófferent reges múnera. 31. From thy temple in Jerusalem, * kings shall offer presents to thee.
67:32. Íncrepa feras arúndinis, congregátio taurórum in vaccis populórum : * ut exclúdant eos, qui probáti sunt argénto. 32. Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds, the congregation of bulls with the kine of the people; * who seek to exclude them who are tried with silver.
67:33. Díssipa Gentes, quæ bella volunt : vénient legáti ex Ægypto : * Æthiópia prævéniet manus ejus Deo. 33. Scatter thou the nations that delight in wars: ambassadors shall come out of Egypt: * Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God.
67:34. Regna terræ, cantáte Deo : * psállite Dómino. 34. Sing to God, ye kingdoms of the earth: * sing ye to the Lord:
67:35. Psállite Deo, qui ascéndit super cælum cæli, * ad Oriéntem. 35. Sing ye to God, who mounteth above the heaven of heavens, * to the east.
67:36. Ecce dabit voci suæ vocem virtútis, date glóriam Deo super Israël, * magnificéntia ejus, et virtus ejus in núbibus. 36. Behold he will give to his voice the voice of power: * give ye glory to God for Israel, * his magnificence, and his power is in the clouds.
67:36. Mirábilis Deus in sanctis suis, Deus Israël ipse dabit virtútem, et fortitúdinem plebi suæ, * benedíctus Deus. 36. God is wonderful in his saints: the God of Israel is he who will give power and strength to his people; * blessed be God.
V. Glória Patri, et lio, * et Spirítui Sancto. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. R. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
